Best performing book marketing ads in 2021

book marketing book promotion book reviews Dec 04, 2021

Book Marketing:

BookBub released their list of best performing BookBub Ads in 2021. Studying these will not only provide input on how to design the perfect ad, but will teach you about which clickrates you should be thrilled about on you BookBub Ads.

What is BookBub?

BookBub is a free service that helps readers discover books through unbeatable deals, handpicked recommendations, and updates from the readers' favorite authors. BookBub doesn't actually sell books. They simply introduce books that are available on retailers like Amazon's Kindle store, Barnes & Noble's Nook store, Apple Books, and others.

What are BookBub Ads?

BookBub Ads is a way for advertisers — authors, publishers, agents, and other publishing professionals — to reach millions of power readers via dedicated ad space in BookBub’s daily emails.

Can I get my book on BookBub?

It's not easy to get your book accepted for presentation on the BookBub website. But depending on your book, it might be a great opportunity to reach more people - and for sure it's a great resource for learning about book marketing.

How to setup BookBub Ads



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